Our year-round office team (Sharon, Zoe, and Zya) have varying schedules during the off-season months, so there may be some delays in reaching us by phone or email. However, during busier periods, such as the weeks surrounding summer registration (late January & February) and the months leading up to summer (May & June), at least one of us is typically in the office between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m Monday through Friday.
See the chart below for the best way to contact the year-round team:
Camp Director: Sharon Millar | 905-648-2712 ext 2 | director@canterburyhills.ca |
Registration Desk or General Inquiries: Zya Aspden – Programs & Partnerships Administrator Zoe Oliveira – Assistant Director | 905-648-2712 ext 3 | camp@canterburyhills.ca |
Property Manager: Tim Blackwood | 905-648-2712 ext 7 | n/a |
We truly appreciate your patience as we work to respond to all inquiries as quickly as possible. If you’re unable to reach us by phone, please leave a detailed voicemail, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we’re back in the office. Please note that Sharon’s extension is sometimes monitored by other office staff, so your inquiry may be addressed by Zya or Zoe, who will ensure it is directed to Sharon if needed.
The best way to get in touch with someone in the office is very dependent on who you are hoping to speak to. Hopefully, the table below will help provide some clarity as to specific numbers and email addresses, and their unique purposes. If you still aren’t sure who exactly to speak to, any of the below people would be happy to help get you in touch with the right person.
Contact Title: | Reasons You May Want to Speak With Them: | Contact Information: | General Availability During The Summer: |
Camp Director | You have questions about camp policies You have questions about bursary applications You have questions about camper support accommodations | Call: 905-648-2712 ext. 2 Email: director@canterburyhills.ca | Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 9:00pm |
Kitchen Manager | You have questions about dietary accommodations You have questions about the menu You have questions about allergens | Call: 905-648-2712 ext. 6 Email: canterburyhillskitchen@gmail.com | Monday to Friday 7:00am to 7:00pm |
Resource Team | You have questions about how your camper is adjusting Your camper forgot something and you want to arrange a time to drop it off Your camper needs to be picked up early | Call: 905-648-2712 ext. 4 Email: canterburyhillscamp@gmail.com | Monday to Friday 9:00am to 9:00pm |
Administration | You have questions about registration/waitlists You want to change/cancel your registration | Call: 905-648-2712 ext. 3 Email: camp@canterburyhills.ca | Monday to Friday9:00am to 5:00pm |
Understandably so, when people see a missed call from our camp office, they start to worry. We totally get that! Your child is your world, and sending them to camp for a week away can be a nerve-wracking experience for you too. While we would always call home in the event of any kind of emergency involving your child, there are many other reasons, none of which are emergent, that would result in us calling home.
We may call home if:
Camp life is busy, and between all the hustle and bustle of fun activities and new friends, it’s no surprise that sometimes water bottles are misplaced, or a towel is left at the pool, or *insert literally any item you can think of* gets lost to the camp abyss of magic and fun.
Fear not! You are certainly not the first person whose kid misplaced something, and you will definitely not be the last. To start the process of reuniting you with your lost object, please email us at camp@canterburyhills.ca. In this email, please provide your name, the name of your camper, the session they attended, and a description of the lost object. If you happen to have a photo reference of the lost object, that’s even better!
Our Resource Team will respond to your email as quickly as they are able. If you are emailing us still within our summer season, please keep in mind that we are very busy running camp for approximately 250 kids! Wowzah! We will do our absolute best to get back to your email within the week. When we do, we may send photos of multiple items we have that match your description, or if we are certain we have it, we will email and ask to arrange a time for you to pick it up.
As we have day camp arriving and departing each day, it is best for us to arrange lost and found pick ups within this time, since a member of our Senior Staff Team is already present by the parking lot. If these times don’t work for you, there’s no need to worry! We will find a time that works for all parties involved, or, if your camper is attending another session later in the summer, we’ll set the item aside until they return to claim it.
If all of that fails to work out, at the end of the summer after all our sessions have ended, we take photos of all lost and found items and send them to all camper families in one PDF package. The package will outline dates and times throughout the Fall when a member of the Senior Staff Team will be available on site to reunite you with your belongings. All belongings not picked up by a date indicated within the package are then donated to a local charity, such as the Good Shepherd.
If your camper forgets their prescription medication at camp, please call the office promptly at 905-648-2712 so we can arrange a pick up as soon as possible.