FAQs Registration
How do I register my camper for camp?
All registrations will be done through the online registration system. Registration will open in the new year. For returning campers, an email will be sent containing the link to the online registration system. For new campers, the link will be posted on the website for general access.
How do I know if I already have an online account?
If you have registered your camper for camp previously, you will have an CampBrain online account. This account will be associated with the email you used when processing your previous registrations. To change the password, click on the password reset button below login on the CampBrain main page. An email will be sent to your inbox and you will be able to set a new password and login to your previous account.
What if I do not have access to my old email?
If you used an old email address to register your camper previously, please send an email to camp@canterburyhills.ca or call (905) 648-2712 ext. 4 to have your new email address added to your account. Once it is added, you will be able to complete the password reset option and login to your previous account.
I processed my camper's registration, but I cannot see it on my account?
It can take up to 48 hours for a registration to be processed through the CampBrain system. If the registration does not show up within 48 hours, please send an email to camp@canterburyhills.ca or call (905) 648-2712 ext. 4 so we are able to look into the issue.
How do I know that a space has been held for my camper?
If you have completed the online registration, a space will be held for your camper. The space will not become available to another camper unless you have not paid your balance by the June 5th deadline.
I noticed that the system is not taking credit card information but I would like to pay by credit card?
Unfortunately at this time, the website is unable to take credit card payments. If you would like to pay by credit card, please select this option and you will be prompted to make the payment using the online system at a later date.
How do I submit my cash and cheque payments?
All cash and cheque payments can be mailed to the Anglican Diocese at 252 James Street North, Hamilton, ON, L8R 2L3. Cash payments (or money orders) can be brought in person to the Anglican Diocese. Cheques and money orders should be made to Canterbury Hills Camp.
How do I know that you received my cheque or cash payment?
When your cash or cheque payment is received by the Anglican Diocese, an invoice and confirmation will be sent to you via email.
I have a charge from the Anglican Diocese of Niagara on my credit card or bank statement? Is this correct?
Yes, all of the payments for Canterbury Hills are processed through the Anglican Diocese. There is no need to cancel the payment or your credit card
How do I know what to pack for my camper?
If you require a packing list, please click on the following links to access one for your camper’s program: Overnight or Day Camp.