Is Canterbury Hills a religious camp?
Canterbury Hills is owned and operated by the Anglican Diocese of Niagara through the Canterbury Hills Board. Canterbury Hills is anchored by the guiding values of inclusion, cooperation, love, service and stewardship. Spirituality is practiced and developed through a positive, caring community that helps people become the best version of themselves, form faith connections and embrace a sense of harmony with the wonders and rhythms of nature.
Is religious orientation required?
Not at all. Canterbury Hills welcomes staff and campers of all backgrounds and worldview orientations. Our program and community is a safe place for everyone as we focus on what brings people together, not what separates or divides.
What is the daily Chapel program?
Chapel is a daily activity for all campers that is guided by themes such as friendship, teamwork, character, encouragement, determination, faith, positive choices or caring actions. At Overnight, Day and Family Camps, Chapel includes a fun and interactive skit that is presented each day. At Adventure and Alumni Camps, Chapel is designed to suit the age and interests of the camp.
How is spirituality expressed at camp?
Spirituality comes through in: 1) songs sung befor meals; 2) reflection; 3) connection; 4) appreciation; 5) Eucharist celebration (see below).
What is the Eucharist?
In the Anglican tradition, the sacrament of holy Eucharist is a remembering and celebration of the last supper of Jesus Christ in which he shared bread and wine with his disciples.
How is the Eucharist celebrated at Canterbury Hills?
A Eucharist service is included near the end of every camp session. Campers participate through song, skits, dance, readings, etc. and are invited to share in holy Eucharist (bread and wine) as they are guided by an Anglican priest. The service is conducted with awareness that many campers do not come from the Anglican tradition or a background in a faith community. The tone is inclusive, light, simple, interactive and fun as the whole camp celebrates their camp experience and engages with themes such as generousity, peace, joy, kindness, or confidence.